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Cooperatives are the Protector of the “Dharma”


        Cooperatives are the Protector of the “Dharma”

   Here are blessed Greetings!!

   A Cooperative system itself is an embodiment of Dharma. It will not allow itself to be exploited nor it will exploit others. It protects the User Members from the exploitation of private sector. It makes the, all the User Members self reliant. The participants in this Holy system are the Rulers, the Administrators, the Members, the Committee Members and the Staff. Obviously, they are fortunate enough in protecting the Dharma.

Sahakara Dharma Peetam

Sahakara Dharma Peetam is came into existence from the auspicious day the 5th, February 2020, with the aim to make awareness about the “Dharma”  and the  â€œAdharma”  among the People. Sahakara Dharma Peetam is a pious one.  World is in the process of retrospection of its Deeds. India is heading towards to lead the World economy. Sahakara Dharma Peetam will perform its duty in guiding the Nation in building the strong Indian economy with a Human face.

Capital in Cooperative is an Agni moota(Bundle of Fire) – Dharmam - Adharmam

  • Ø  The Cooperative is a Modern Temple.
  • Ø  The Capital in Cooperatives is the pooling of a piece meal of hungry Farmers/Rural Artisans/Labourers. It is an Agni moota(Bundle of Fire). If it is misused, it will burn.
  • Ø  Our Indian Constitution is our Veda/Gita/Quran/Bible/Budha sayings.
  • Ø  Following the Constitution in relation to Preamble, the spirit of Article 39(c), implementing the Article 43 in rural India is Dharma and non following it, is Adharma.
  • v  Every Coop. Society may start collecting the“Thrift Deposit” by amending its Byelaws.
  • v  Pay 6% interest on Share Capital and Thrift Deposit.
  • v  Union Govt. may amend the Banking Regulation Act to honor the Coop. Sector and its Characteristics.
  • v  Promote and support the Agriculture Products Processing Cooperatives.
  • v  Do not allow the Investors in to the Rural Economy.  It will be a fatal and curse.
  • v  Do not allow to transfer the Lands of Small & Marginal farmers to Company or Organization.


                                                                                 Sambharapu Bhoomaiah, Servent

: 2 :

Protect the Sahakar Dharmam, It protects you.


We had been guided by our beloved Religion, the Vedas, the Githa, the Quran, the Bible or Budha sayings and leading our social life. Thousands of Yogulu, Priests are sacrificing their lives for our best living.  Even then the Man is becoming the beast for his survival.

Why?    Why??     Why???

Do you felt something was to be added or omitted in the preaching’s of Ethics or Dharma ?

We felt… we felt…   we felt….

What is that..?

How to make the Man a social being? And how the social being is made a Human being?

The answer is Sahakara Dharma.

What is the Sahakara Dharma and the Ethics?

The Sahakara Dharma/Ethics makes the Man a social being. It pronounces that “Each for All – All for Each”.  All must be safe, I will be among them. Live – Let Live, is the spirit of the Sahakara(Cooperative) Dharmam. Sahakara Dharmmam practices these ethics and trains the People about the Economic Democracy and Democratic Management.  Then the social being becomes the Human being. Once the Man becomes Human being, there is no exploitation and all are lived according to their capable or capacity.

“Economic theory” along with the “Karma theory”.

Man’s wants are unlimited, but the resources are scarce. Man’s life gets saturation, when he gets economic stability.  Economics is the centre point, around which, the human relations, values, emotions will run. The State is trying its level best in satisfying the Economic needs of the Man, of course it is an unending struggle. When He is not satisfied, He tends to be perturbed.

At this point, His mind needs some pacification with the situation, He meets the Religion Heads, there He is been taught about the “Karma theory”.  He does not put questions like, why I have been exploited. Is there no solution?

But at this point Sahakara Dharma Peetam gives him the courage.  It teaches the “Economic theory” along with the “Karma theory”, the persons having limited resources should discuss with the neibour, how to protect themselves from the high rates of general goods or low rates for their Agriculture products, think of Community or Village… you, … the group, …community or village people, certainly come to a conclusion, that let’s start a Cooperative Provisional Store or a Cooperative Agriculture Producers and Marketing Society. You are the Users and Producers, hence pooling of capital is not much difficult, only thing is, strong will power that we should not  allowed to be exploited and we should not exploit others. Certainly the Govt. Cooperative Department guides you.

The Economic theory, i.e., the Cooperative system make you think of all( Society),here you are turning to be a social being. When you or your Community or your Village starts and run the desired Cooperative Society, you became the Human being. Here after all your thoughts will be in positive way only, that makes you to solve the problems easily.

Basic Economic theories for the Dharma

We learnt that, in “Sagara mardhanam”, where Amrutham and Visham were emerged, like that  in the Modern age, the Industrial Revolution gave a birth for the Three Kids of economic systems, i.e., The Capitalism, The Marxism and The Cooperative system.  These three economic theories are contemporary. Interpretation of the “Surplus Value” is the main content for identifying the Economic theory.

The Capitalism, did not want to recognize the existence of the “Surplus Value”. It says Surplus value is the product of the Demand & Supply and the invisible hand, but not of the Work Force.  Hence the Surplus Value should be, belong to the Investor, who invested the Capital. Pooling of incomes becomes the Capital.

Marxism theory says that the “Surplus Value” is the product of the exploitation.  Hence through the proletariat dictatorship, the Surplus Value could be nationalized.  And the Government would take care of all the necessities of the People.

The Rochdale Pioneers representing the Cooperative system recognized the “Surplus Value” and also the need of the Capital. The pooling of a portion from the User’s necessities becomes the Share Capital.  It designed that the Capital should get a minimum rate of interest, but not a share in the Surplus Value of the business.  A portion of Surplus is distributed in proportionate to the User member participation in business activity of the Coop. Society.  The remaining is belonging to the Society or the Community of the User member.  The Cooperative Society is democratically managed.

In nut shell, the above are the Three economic theories were prevailed in the Countries around the Independent India in 1947.  Considering the Pros & Cons of the theories, took the good features from the three theories and the ground reality prevailed in Indian Communities and Indian demography, we adopted mixed economic system but not any single system.  The Indian Constitution is presented to our selves, headed by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.

Sahakara Dharm is a Shakti(Power),  uplifts those nurture it and punish those who suppresses it;

Since the Cooperative system itself is an embodiment of Dharma. It will not allow itself to be exploited nor it will exploit others. The system itself is a Shakti(Power), it had uplifted the Sociologists/Politicians, who sincerely served the people through this system. Most of the present/past rulers were developed through this system only and had good experience about   the power or miracle of this system. And also had bad experience/punished, who suppressed or caused to suppressed, or misused the power or funds of the system.

Nobody should be punished. The Rulers and the Administrators be Cautious.

We had to lost our beloved and public lauded Ruler, who was new to politics was influenced by  a lobbying, introduced a new textile policy, there by Handloom Sector in Coop. Sector was suppressed, through which the members of Handloom Weavers Coop. Societies, who were working on it since generation together, were lost their daily work throughout India, and the result was thousand of weavers were dead by suicide or hunger deaths.

The Rulers, the Policy makers/Administrators are advised do not go beyond our enshrined Preamble, the Articles 39(c) and 43 of Constitution. Nurture the Cooperative Sector in rural India and retrospect the deed by amending the Banking Regulation Act to honor the Coop. Sector and its Characteristics.

Differences between the Cooperative Sector and the Private Sector

 Private Sector

Cooperative Sector

1.      Association of   Capital.

1.      Association of   Users.

2. Share Capital is an investment from the income of an individual (Investor).

   2. Share Capital is the portion set aside from the User         (member) necessities, not an investment from the income of the member.

3.      Investor's economy.

3.      User's economy.

  4.      Joint Stock Company form of business

          is the main tool.    

4.Federation of Primary Cooperatives  is the main tool and it is a backbone.

   5.      Regulated by Companies  Act and Partnership Act.

5.      Regulated by the Cooperatives Acts.

   6.   Profit distribution according to their share -    capital  ratio.

6.      Surplus distribution; it is patronage      dividend.

7.      Control vests in accordance with the size of the share holding.

7. Control vests in the members equally and democratically controlled.

8.      Centralizes the 'Production', 'Marketing' and the 'Wealth'.

8.      Decentralizes the 'Production', 'Marketing' and the 'Wealth'.

9.      Exploitation is in its' nature.

9.      Principle action is to eliminate the exploitation.

10. Economic rights of the people are suppressed.

10. Promotes the economic rights of the people.

11. Curtails the peoples economic democracy.

         11. Seeks to establish the economic democracy.

12. The fittest only survives.

    12. Makes all the user members economically self-     reliant.


    Live (Private Sector) – Let live(Coop. Sector);

   The Private Sector, they themselves have to be restrain, in not to enter the rural Indian economy for the long run strategy of the economy. The Private Sector is well aware of the socio-economic status of the rural India and Indian demography. For this, only the Inclusive growth strategy will be the answer to increase the purchasing power of the people. The Cooperative Sector itself is a Inclusive growth strategy system, where by the social justice with economic stability is achieved. The increased purchasing power will increase the Demand for Industry & Trade goods. The Private Sector and the Cooperative Sectors are inter dependent.

Hence the Private Sector had to fallow the ethics Live(Private sector)- Let live(Coop. sector) for the sustainable development of the economy.


Dharmam and Adharmam.

Ø  Our Indian Constitution is our Veda/Gita/Quran/Bible/Budha sayings.

Ø  Following the Constitution in relation to Preamble, the spirit of Article 39(c), implementing the Article 43 in rural India is Dharma and non following it, is Adharma.


    Facts and Features of Cooperatives;

ü  The Cooperative is a Modern Temple.

ü  The Capital in Cooperatives is the pooling of a piece meal of hungry Farmers/Rural Artisans/Labourers. It is an Agni moota(Bundle of Fire). If it is misused, it will burn.

ü  Pooling of “Thrift Deposits” for every service the Member gets. It is the basic theme of the Cooperative system.

ü  Payment of 6% interest on Thrift Deposit and Share Capital must. It is the basic theme of the Cooperative system.

ü  The Society must be managed by the elected Body of the Members.


   Data about Rural India

o   India is predominately a rural country with 2/3 population and 70% of work force residing in rural areas.

o   Rural economy constitutes  46% of National Income.

o   Near about 20% of the population getting only a share of 2 to 3% of the National Income.

o   21.9% of the population lives Below the National Poverty Line(BPL)


     Human Face of the Indian Economy

Every Country had its own entity and demography and accordingly their basic economic structure. India is different from America, Europe, hence all the economic policies followed there, can’t be copied here. Our Constitution is well versed one, it is Veda/Geeta/Quran/Budha saying for us . It directs to fallow the Cooperative Policy in rural India through Article 43. It Caution about centralization of means of production in a few hands, through the Article 39(c). Hence these two Articles are bound to be implemented in rural India.

India is a developing Country. For the Indian Economic Coin, there are two faces, one is Industry and Trade, the other is Rural economy. The Private Sector could play in Industry and Trade field as much as it can. The Cooperative Sector could have to play in rural economy because most of the population is less privileged, having minimum resources and having no resources.  Hence our Constitutions demarcated the rural India for the Cooperative Sector.

Economic Centers in Villages of Rural India;

1.    Primary Agrl.Coop. Society/PACS/LAMPS/Farmers Service Coop.Society

2.    Milk Producers and Marketing Coop. Society

3.    Handloom Weavers Coop. Society/HWCS

4.    Labour Contract Coop. Society

5.    Goats development Coop. Society

6.    Fish Producers Coop. Society

7.    Joint Farming Coop. Society

8.    Nayee Brahmana Artisans Coop. Society

9.    Rajaka Artisans Coop. Society

10.  General and Provision Store Coop. Society

11.  Agri. Products Processing and Marketing Coop. Society . etc.,


                                             C A U T I O N

             Serving the Cooperative is serving the God

Cooperatives are the Modern Temples.  Cooperatives are the embodiment of the Dharmam.  Any efforts/Policy to degrade or dismantle them is an act of Adharmam, who ever may, be caused for, get punished. It is a natural course of action.